Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Visit From Tonga

Our local coordinator from Tonga is here in Utah visiting family, and it's a blast having him stop by the office to help us coordinate details for the trip. So far he's met all the interns, helped us film a video, and been introduced to our tropical candy jar.

Our coordinator described to us the current state of mourning in Tonga after the death of their most recent King, George Tupou V. He himself was deeply saddened  by the loss of Tonga's leader, and the whole country will be in official mourning for the next three months. Anyone who is going with on our first expedition might expect to see some of the Tongan people wear black in respect of their King. Our hearts go out to the Kingdom of Tonga, and we are grateful and honored to serve with them in a few short months.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Participant Advice: Don't Be Nervous to Ask

To continue with our stories about Fundraising, here's what Katie (a 2012 Tonga participant) had to say:

"At first, I was very nervous to send out letters, letting other people know what I was going to be doing this summer.  I was afraid of the responses I would receive.  But in actuality, I have gotten nothing but positive feedback!  The local businesses, doctor offices, friends, family etc. are all very proud of my decision to give time and help serve others less fortunate in a different country.  I had multiple notes given back telling me that they wished they had been given the opportunity to enjoy such an adventure and to serve.  They were more than glad to help my costs.  The only bad response you can get is no response so don't be afraid or nervous, just do it!"

Thanks for the advice Katie!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fundraising Tip: Ask Businesses

Cassie, a 2012 Peru participant, sent us a ton of donations from local businesses in her hometown. We asked her how she did it, and here's what she told us:

"I am really excited to go to Peru this summer! To raise donations, I went through the phone book and found local businesses. I also asked my parents for the names of their friends who would be likely to contribute. I wrote a letter, which used parts of the HEFY sample letters, and mailed it out to everyone on my list. I included a stamped return envelope. It is so fun to get checks in the mail. I think most people are very generous, and when they get an opportunity to help, they are willing to contribute."

Great idea Cassie! Thanks for sharing your success.